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Your digital freelancers agency dedicated to French-speaking Switzerland.

Our job is to provide tailored selection of your digital marketing freelance expert to meet your needs within 72 hours.

Why choosing Ontrust ?

Our freelancers will provide you with quick answers and interventions, allowing you to decide and act faster on your e-business challenges.
The fast intervention of our experts will save you valuable time on your projects and help you find sources of savings.
Working with an Ontrust freelancer guarantees you to have the right person for the right mission and a trusted third party throughout.

A simple process

The client shares their brief, job description, desired period, and proposed rates if applicable.
Ontrust submits candidates, their rates, and their contact information.
The client interviews the selected profiles.
Upon validation of a profile, Ontrust manages contracts, invoicing, mission monitoring, and its smooth progress.

Pricing & Invoicing

Consultant cost per day (CPD or TJM) plus an Ontrust margin.
The rate is negotiated between the client and Ontrust.
The CPD may vary depending on the mission itself, the seniority of the profile, and the mission period.

They trust us

We’re not called Ontrust for nothing.

Ontrust means "built on trust". A guiding value in our daily operations. We consider trust as the cardinal virtue for any lasting and serious relationship. It is embodied in the simplicity and honesty of our exchanges with our consultant clients and partners.

Ontrust is…

14 years
90 %
of extended missions
48 hrs
hours to find you the best expert
99 %
of our clients come from word of mouth

the Ontrust team

Do you have a question or just want to talk about digital and freelancing?
Laure de Louvencourt